young living

essential oils

Young Living Essential Oils has officially launched in South Africa

seed to seal

We choose Young Living essential oils for their Seed to Seal quality guarantee, where crops are grown on their own farms, distilled, bottled and tested all by the same hands, and for their 26+ years of research and experience.

Visit to find out more.


guidance and education

Besides a wealth of online resources, there is incredible support that comes with being a member. When you join Young Living you join a community that is committed to educating and empowering its members every single day.


what is an essential oil?



According to Young Living, an essential oil is an aromatic, volatile liquid that is found within many shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, bushes, and seeds. They are usually extracted through steam distillation. Pure essential oils are highly concentrated and should be used responsibly. They are complex structures of hundreds of different chemical constituents within each oil. These oils work as adaptogens and can assist you body in a myriad of ways.


lets think about plants


They give us oxygen to breathe. They feed us. They even give us shade and a soft landing for our kids on the playground. They play a vital role in the ecological balance of our planet and are closely linked to the physical, emotional and even the spiritual well-being of mankind since the beginning of time. 

Nature keeps showing us that it has even more to give as scientists continue to research the plant kingdom to discover its many hidden treasures. Though a lot of what plants are capable of is old news, most people seem to have forgotten the power that nature holds. Essential oils and plant extracts have been used medicinally throughout history and are becoming an important tool in integrated medicine.

why young living?


Pure essential oils are very hard to come by and what we usually buy in stores can be a mixture of various things,  including a very small percentage of pure essential oils and the rest often a synthetic or chemically derived filler. This is why these oils cannot be ingested or applied directly to the skin. Young Living essential oils are either steam distilled or cold pressed and are safe to apply directly on to your skin. Carrier oils are recommended where necessary, especially with children. They also have a Vitality range of oils commonly used internally, which are safe to ingest.  Their purity and potency mean that you need to use very little to get noticeable results. 

Guidance on how to best use your oils is available through available literature, an app, and of course through the Young Living online community. 

There is so much to learn about essential oils and seemingly endless ways to support your health and well-being.

How do i get these amazing oils for myself and my family?


It’s easy! Now that they are in South Africa (Clearwater, Johannesburg) you have two options for getting your oils. You can either sign up online and order your Young Living Premium Starter Kit (PSK) or you could visit the experience center. Visit to learn more about making the switch to a healthier, toxin free life with Young Living Essential Oils.

Scroll down to see what’s in the PSK.



Ask them here, or follow our Instagram account, @sawellnessco, to learn more about these incredible oils

want to sign up?

Click here to sign up with Young Living today. 


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